Friday, December 2, 2011


Ooof - traveling can really take a tole on a guy! The hotels, the taxis, the car rentals, the airports, the airplanes, the timezones, the UGH! Thank the lord that I'm home for a while.  The ticket from my 7th flight in 4 weeks is pictured below.

My latest trip took me to Las Vegas. Again. I have a very negative perspective of Vegas. Perhaps it's because I've been there at least a dozen times and not one of them have been for fun! Don't get me wrong, I love AU...but I loath Vegas. All of one's senses are bombarded with stimuli from the minute they step off the plane until the minute the flight attendant closes the cabin door behind you. The only thing I like about Vegas are the sports books. I wish I had one of those things in my living room.

I recently replaced a credit card for one with more perks and privileges. The new card entitles me to some cozy hotel amenities and access to most airline's airport lounges. Thank you Delta (and Detroit), you made the return flight a but more bearable. if only JetBlue would open a lounge at Logan!