December's warm weather has made night walks more bearable. It is a bit odd though... These Christmas lights are supposed to be accompanied by snowflakes. Is it possible that we won't have a white Christmas this year!?
The pup and I do enjoy this time of year. The lights and decorations breath extra life into the city during a time of year when nature tells us that it's time to head south (or at least for the warmth of the cave).
This Nikon CoolPix that I use has a setting called Night Landscape. I think that, in general, night pics are tough for cameras. Nonetheless, I'm pretty happy with the pictures that it takes during both day and night. One of my friends at work said, "What did you expect? It is a Nikon!"
During my younger days, we enforced a rule about "falling asleep" with our shoes on/off. Does that dog stocking count as a shoe? Or is this a random act of cruelty?
Funny how pets become such an integral part of our lives. Wifey nor I are comfortable sitting in Jake's Chair. We're of the mindset that each of us have our designated seats and that is his. He doesn't sit in ours and we don't sit in his.