Wednesday, December 28, 2011

In Defense of Fruitcake

I enjoy this time of year (and I hope you do too).  Ten days off from work that wrap Christmas, New Years, and my birthday like gifts under a tree.

“The holidays” are a beautiful thing and nothing is more beautiful than waking-up on the first day of vacation knowing that the ENTIRE Company is shut down.  No need to check e-mails throughout the day because, in theory, NO ONE is sending e-mails.  This is the biggest and sweetest differentiator between Christmas break and a typical vacation: no major catching-up to do when you return to the office!

Of course, it’s always a challenge to fill your time with things that you want to do.  For example, I want to bake chocolate chip cookies and ginger bread.  Ah, what the hell, I’ll do both!  And why does fruit cake have such a bad reputation?  It is succulent.  It delivers a generous portion of the best fruits on Earth.  It is delicious.  If you are the owner of an unloved fruitcake, please forward it to MA.

I love the holidays because it doesn’t matter that baking one batch of cookies and one loaf of ginger bread required a full day.  Oh and that golf lesson will probably require a full day too.  Same goes for the Christmas shopping, a run, Storage Wars, Dad’s coin collection, the WiFi extender, and a blog post.  Whew.  I need a nap already.

For more opinions about using the phrase “The Holidays,” please refer to I’m Dreaming of a Black Christmas by Lewis Black.