Friday, June 28, 2013

To Jail (and Back)

One of the great things about playing host to family and friends is the opportunity to do the touristy things at which residents otherwise scoff.  Since Mom, Matthew, Hollie, and Mike were in town, Ali and I jumped at the chance to follow in Nick Cage’s footsteps by partaking in the night tour at Alcatraz.

Tickets are difficult to come by.  We, fortunately, secured our tickets several months ago.  My first impression of Alcatraz Island was: wow, this thing is much smaller than it looked in ‘The Rock.’  Measuring-in at a measly 12 acres makes Alcatraz about the size of 10 soccer fields.

The tour was a lot of fun.  The cells were truly tiny.  There was no room for claustrophobia within those walls.  Each one was mysterious and intriguing from a distance.  Standing inside of one evoked very different emotions though!  I posed for a picture from inside of “the hole” but got the heck out of there before anyone could make a prank out of it.

The cellblocks are the undisputed main attraction but the rest of the island shouldn’t be missed.  Even as a visitor, the kitchen and cafeteria didn’t feel safe.  It might have had something to do with the utensil outlines in the cupboards!  Back in the day, the prison guards made painted outlines of the kitchen utensils on the cupboards as a very quick way for taking inventory lest a prisoner smuggle a deadly weapon from the kitchen.

The infirmary was truly creepy.  We walked around the medical ward for a few minutes before promptly returning to the less medieval and rusty parts of the building.  The recreation yard wasn’t much to write home about but it was the site of, perhaps, the most accidentally artistic picture of me ever taken.  This is my best James Dean impression.