Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Force of July!

...the title of this post only makes sense if you, like I, have put in LOTS of Spike-TV-time this week.  I'm sorry.

What an awesome day!  This is the kind of day that dogs live for.  The sun was shining, temps were in the mid 70's, and there was a light breeze coming from the northwest.  The cloudcover tumbled across their shepherds gentle coax like monarchs in late summer.  ...I have clearly missed my calling!

Since its been extra soggy for the recall-able past, going to the park is a bit of an adventure.  Be sure to dress properly!

Dingo got a lot of exercise today.  I'm happy to report that MO& PO's confidence among large numbers of unknown dingos and dingets is growing by the day.  There were quite a few pups at the dog spa today - but nothinglike the carnage that found us on 7/3; unlike that day, there was a much more favorable owner:dog ratio.  I think that this tends to keep the dogs in-check.  Even after an hour of catch in the lake and fields, Jake was still read to go.  Ah, to be young.

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