Thursday, July 2, 2009


The weather sucks again today.  Here's what I was greeted by when I stepped outside this morning.  Another beautiful day!  However, Jake and I refuse to be defeated...ok, more Jake than I.  We took a look at the weather map and spotted our window of opportunity.  By's calculation, we could arrive at The Rock as early as 11a and be mostly in the clear.  Onward we trekked. 

The park was rather quiet, so Jake and I nearly had the whole place to ourselves.  There was this one random, seemingly owner-less, dog that was thumping about.  J-Dog avoided him altogether.

I threw the ball in the lake for Jake a bunch of times, then we mudded through the fields, and finally headed over to the ol' bunny slope.  Along the way we heard a Baskin-Robbins Pack, you know...31 different dogs.  Sure enough, one of the younger dogs came darting towards us.  Jake was cool and so was the other dog...until...they saw a bird hopping around on the forest floor about 15' away.  They both took-off toward the defenseless chew toy.  Fortunately, when I called to Jake, he stopped.  But not Cameron!  Camoron chased after the bird, caught it, and then played keep away from the dog walker.  The DW didn't really stand a chance, his knees were buckling under the weight of the 31 dog leashes wrapped around his neck.  The whole pack ended up chasing Camoron through the muddy forest.  Jake and I lost sight of him after about 1 minute of watching.  Finally, we spent about 10 minutes on the bunny slope.  Could you imagine running up this thing for exercise?

 On our way back to the car, another bird (or maybe it was a chipmunk) caught dingo's eye.  This time, there was no holding him back with a single verbal command.  Jake darted and ignored me but didn't catch his prey.  Eventually he came over to me but it wasn't before some other guy with a dog (on a leash) said to me, "that's why I keep this one on a leash...he's unpredictable."  I don't think he was trying to make a point, but being less interesting to Jake than the phantom bird was a bit of shot to my pride.  Now, Jake is asleep.  What a life!?