Sunday, July 22, 2018

Mills Ministry Services: Now Open for Business

I became an ordained minister this summer. Did it so I could preside over Hollie's wedding. A few weeks thereafter I attended a work offsite. The icebreaker was to 1) introduce yourself and 2) share a highlight from your summer. I gave my usual introduction and excitedly shared that, "I married my sister over the summer." I'm not sure what sort of response I was expecting but it certainly wasn't the awkward silence and blank stares that I received. It took me a moment but I realized "I officiated my sisters wedding" would have been a much better choice of words. I quickly clarified but now have to chuckle and wonder if any of my work colleagues think that my sister and I are...wedded.

Ordination is quite the status symbol. It comes with a certificate, ministry license and clergy badge. It's a lot of fun too. I especially enjoyed writing (and delivering) the ceremony and being the recipient of the Officiant mug (which has taken it's rightful place among other valuable memorabilia).

I had a lot of flexibility with the ceremony. Venturing into the fringe of acceptable behavior was encouraged. While YouTube runneth-over with Princess Bride ceremony ideas, I managed to limit usage "mawaaage" to no more than 5 times. When it comes down to it, there's really only one legally required part of any ceremony: the I do's. Er...ah...the declaration of intent. Not gonna lie though, I smashed the the welcome, sermon and presentation of rings.

I smile now but was sweatin' bullets on the way to the ceremony. We were running a few minutes late and having trouble finding the building. I called Mom for directions and, for reasons I can't explain, led with, "We're having a Minister emergency." Normally, not a big deal but Mom answers her phone on speaker. Which means I declared "Minister Emergency" via speakerphone into a room filled with the bride and bridesmaids. Things got real quiet, real quick. :-)

The kids were in full toddler mode (Auntie Waa, sorry about that flower vase! Love, Kinsley.). The shrills in the background of the wedding videos are, undoubtedly, my children.

I loved every minute of the rehearsal, wedding and ministering. The venue was perfect. And I couldn't be more proud of my big sister!

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