Thursday, October 31, 2013

Red Sox & Red Beards

That was a pretty exciting season for us Red Sox fans!  I can't think of any better way to undo the tumult of the 2011 & 2012 teams than by bringing home The Commissioners Trophy.  Wifey & I saw the Sox play four times in three different stadiums this year: O.Co, AT&T, and Fenway Park.  Ironically, we went to more games this year than we did when we lived in Back Bay.  Go figure?

The beards were a popular story line this year and I decided to participate!  Meet my playoff beard.  It was fun to grow but I'm happy the playoffs are over - that thing was keeping me up at night (literally)!  Next stop: Movember.

David Ortiz's home run in Game 2 of the Detroit series was the best moment of the playoffs.  Here's the YouTube video but the best quality version can be found here.

As it turns out, I didn't see the grand slam live!  I was out with Jake for his night walk!  When I came home, it was a new ballgame.

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