Saturday, June 30, 2012

Paper Targets Beware

In these here parts of the country (Massachusetts), firearms are a bit taboo.  In Boston, we're famous for enormous anti-gun signs outside of Fenway Park.  Imagine my surprise when Ali came home with a "Learn to Shoot" voucher from Gilt City!  I'm such a proud husband.

Thus, we spent our Saturday morning at the Massachusetts Firearms School.  We sat through a short firearms safety presentation and, before we knew it, we were in the indoor range preparing to fire the first of four guns; the Smith & Wesson Model 617 revolver.  This was the heaviest gun we shot and packed the biggest punch.  After that one, we shot a Ruger Mark III automatic pistol, Ruger LCR revolver, and finally an AR-15 rifle (a close relative of the M16).  Um, yeah.

The shot of the day was made by Frau Ali.  Note the horizontal and vertical centrality of this shot. The instructor turned to her and exclaimed, "you got him in his dome-piece!"

She must've felt bad for the paper target (or something).  She's so kind hearted that even her bullet holes are shaped like hearts.

Here are my shots.  They're arranged from left to right in the same order that the guns are mentioned above.

We had a blast.  Although, we were the only two in our class of nine that didn't immediately sign-up to take the MA certification course.  What will she think of next!?