I saw an ad for the 4S that read something to the effect of, "the only camera you'll ever need." And until this past 2 weeks, I was starting to think that Apple might have done it. I forgot my Nikon Coolpix S9100 in Boston last week. In a nutshell, I accidentally forced myself to test the 4S hype at, among other things, a baptism and a week of vacation.
I had loads of photo ops but soon found myself skipping the photo op because I knew the picture would be crap.
Wanna zoom-in on the ferry with Brant Point Lighthouse in the background? Forget it; it's only a digital zoom.
Wanna snap that action shot? Forget it; shutter speeds are slower than the Slowsky's.
Wanna save that low light Workbench? Forget it; the flash doesn't know when to fire.
The 4S just isn't very flexible. It's sweet spot is pretty narrow. By the end of my journey, I had found the sweet spot and was taking some pretty great pictures.
Now for the kicker: as we were waiting to board our ferry back to the mainland, I noticed a mysterious bump in my book bag. It was my beloved Nikon megazoom! Son of a....