Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Where for art Thou Davio?

These photo scans are like the project that will never end.  The output is quite rewarding though.  You might recall that the girls used to call me "Davio" during my younger years.  At the time, it was terribly embarrassing.  Slightly less embarrassing was "Dennis the Menace."  Anybody up for a game of guess the year?

...look at those dimples in the late High School years!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bad iPhone, Bad

I saw an ad for the 4S that read something to the effect of, "the only camera you'll ever need."  And until this past 2 weeks, I was starting to think that Apple might have done it.  I forgot my Nikon Coolpix S9100 in Boston last week.  In a nutshell, I accidentally forced myself to test the 4S hype at, among other things, a baptism and a week of vacation.

I had loads of photo ops but soon found myself skipping the photo op because I knew the picture would be crap.

Wanna zoom-in on the ferry with Brant Point Lighthouse in the background?  Forget it; it's only a digital zoom.

Wanna snap that action shot?  Forget it; shutter speeds are slower than the Slowsky's.

Wanna save that low light Workbench?  Forget it; the flash doesn't know when to fire.

The 4S just isn't very flexible. It's sweet spot is pretty narrow.  By the end of my journey, I had found the sweet spot and was taking some pretty great pictures.

Now for the kicker: as we were waiting to board our ferry back to the mainland, I noticed a mysterious bump in my book bag. It was my beloved Nikon megazoom!  Son of a....

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Back to 02116

We landed our butts back on the mainland today. I'm unable to accurately determine who's depression is deeper: Ali or Jake's. They both long for the Nantucket lifestyle.  Ali for the carefree attitude Jake for the lax Leash Law.

Reality is a harsh wakening.  Construction on the Sagamore Bridge slowed us to a 3 mph for 40 minutes. Once we got inside the city limits, it only took four stop lights before we witnessed the first act of roads age between an 18-wheeler and a taxi (totally the taxi's fault).  A police officer briefly stopped all traffic through the intersection while the two drivers sorted it out.

On the upside, Spring has made a lot of progress on our street. Our "privacy screens" have returned in full force.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Life's a Beach

Ali and I rescued Jake in 2007.  Like me, he used to live in North Carolina.  Jake had a bad case of heart worm. His family couldn't afford the treatment and were forced to take him to the local shelter.  The shelter gave Jake the heart worm treatment and, through a relationship with Adopt-A-Lab.org, he moved up to New England in search of a new happy home.  When we met Jake, he was staying at a foster home in Connecticut.

You can take the boy out of the beach but you can't take the beach out of the boy.

This trip to Nantucket is the first time that we've taken Jake to the beach.  Even though it was only 60 degrees, his eyes lit up and he hit that beach like it was an official homecoming.  I don't think I've ever seen him get SO excited SO quickly.  It reminds me of Ali's excitement when we walked into the jewelers to shop for engagement ring diamonds.

I caught this moment on video while Ali and Jake were playing in the surf.  They might have been my favorite moments of the whole week.  My favorite favorite parts are each of his 180's.  And yes, that water is really cold.

Interesting Jake Factoid #1: When we first met Jake, his favorite snack was baby carrots.