Saturday, August 6, 2011

This Just In: My Handicap isn't (Entirely) My Fault

I cashed-in the last of my 2011 birthday gifts this morning.  The dinner, custom shirts, and nick-nacks are all eaten, picked-up, or gone...except for the club fitting at the Taylormade Performance Labs.  If you enjoy golf and are looking for an opportunity to geek-out, this is a great way to spend two hours (especially if you work for ADSK and are familiar with Maya).

Here's how it works:
  1. attach the reflectors
  2. turn on the cameras
  3. swing the clubs
  4. let the computers do the rest
The real value of the event is the club summary, but the cool factor is provided by the swing visualizer.  Here's what my 6-iron, wedge, driver, and putter swings look like.

And here are the results of my club fitting. Not to say that I don't need to do some work, but the impact graphic for the driver (page 1) makes it look like I missed the ball.  That's not the case!  The graphic is scaled wrong!!  You believe me, right?!

Don't forget to scroll down to the last page!  That's where the recommendations are.  So, if you're struggling to find me a christmas or birthday gift...  Just be sure to coordinate with wifey to avoid any duplicate gifts.

DM Club Summary