Our guide has a few rough edges and is certainly upset that he had to pick-up, return, and then re-pick-up our waders at the rental place. He's spending a lot of time talking about his disdain for the people that are in town to train on the course for the upcoming Ironman. He's landed on an interesting topic, but the way he frames the conversation makes him sound petulant. I prefer that he discuss the economic impact of the event on Lake Placid and the surrounding area. Instead, he keeps whining about having to share the road with them...
It took about 30 minutes to exhaust his opinions of the Iron(wo)men. After which, he was quite personable. We pulled off the road onto the shoulder. If you're none the wiser, these pull-offs are a complete mistery. It turns out that they're here to provide parking access to the many rivers and streams that restrain the road and other human development. Wifey's making quite the fashion statement in her tan full length waders. We're heading down a trail to the river (hopefully). Standing in the river up to our waists is an odd sensation. We've finally got the rods in our hands and are ready to start fishing!
I try to be a humble person, but my skills are far too superior to downplay. Maybe it's our proximity to the home of The Miracle on Ice. Maybe it's the distance in between me and my laptop. Or, maybe I'm feeling inspired by our first year of marriage. Whatever the source, I AM A FLY FISHING PRODIGY. Our guide is gushing that, in his 37 years of instructing, he has never seen anyone pick-up the nuances as quickly as I. I liken my performance to that of the elegant deliverance a ballerina portrays as she guides the fickle streamer through the unassuming air. This infuriates wifey. At the conclusion of the session, she points out that she received more nibbles than I did. We are both content and head back to LPL in preparation for the afternoon.
We've been working to gain better control over our diets. In fact, we both have a weight goal for Sept 1 (200 lbs). If we're successful, wifey gets a very nice reward. To help us stay honest, we went to a trainer. To help us stay relaxed, we got massages. It was one of the best that I've ever recieved. I've decided that a good hands, arms, legs, and feet Massuse is better then having a good back, neck, and shoulders massuse. I never ever thought that I would have a preference. What's come of me? Wifey says that the city is making me soft. Does that make any sense?
Wifey and I have taken hiatus from kayaking and canoeing since a certain kayaking experience on thr Charles River. There's a light mist in the air but I'm feeling good about my fly fishing skills. Thus, today marks our return to the canoe. LPL offers a daily boat tour of the Lake, unfortunately, our schedule won't accommodate such an excursion. Instead, we're paddling out to get a few pictures of the lodge (and our room) from the lake. I have no injuries, close calls, or drownings to report. Life is good.
Our new diet keeps us from enjoying many of lifes conveniences. Tonight, we're having a romantic night to ourselves on the balcony of the Placid suite (courtesy of McDonald's and Heineken). How do you like me now, Diet?!
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