Monday, June 29, 2009

Welcome to The Dog Days

Welcome to my vacation Blog!

Allow me to set the stage; I’m on ‘vacation’ this week and have no intention of leaving my quaint Massachusetts asylum.  SO, during the working hours, from now through Thursday, the dingo and I will be left almost entirely to our own devices.  Fortunately, his maternal-owner (and my fiancée) will arrive home every evening and ensure that both Donkey and I are still, in fact, alive.
One may draw the conclusion that, I’ve ‘got it made.’  I understand your position, I have virtually no responsibilities from the office, there’s plenty of protein-rich sustenance in the refrigerator, and it’s just me and man’s best friend for the near entirety of the day!  Can it get any better? 

I beg of you to temper your exuberance.  For you have never encountered the fury which is Jake’s tongue.  Sure, his kisses are a pleasant reminder of his love, affection, and loyalty.  BUT, the calculated timing of said gesture has caught many a passerby off guard.  To our friends who have fallen victim in the past, I apologize…and consider closing your mouth before you get down to his level next time.

As I attempt to nap on the couch today, fear not for me Argentina…we have plenty of mouthwash/toothpaste and I just charged the toothbrush to full power this morning.

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