Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The BIG Day

This morning was 'it': the day that dingo and PO went to Cat Rock Ski Resort (and dog spa) without any help from MO or KaNina.  Lots of stars had to align; I was mostly worried about these:
  1. I needed to be more interesting to Jake than anything around us (squirrels included)
  2. I needed to have a calm, cool, and collected energy about me (even if I was uber-nervous)

  3. Jake needed to listen to all of my verbal commands

  4. furthest out of my control...I needed all of the other dogs/owners to have THEIR stuff together
Once we got there, it didn't take long for things to get interesting.  We crossed over the first bridge and ran into a dog walker with 8 dogs.  I didn't flinch and neither did Jake.  He checked in with me and I allowed him to go say, 'hi' to the other pack.  He was awesome.  Everything was cool (they were starting to play with one another)...BUT...there was a little yipper that started to squabbel with another one of the dogs in the pack and some others joined in the brief chaos.  I whistled to Jake and he came bounding over to me.  Success!  'at a boy!  Unfortunately, we're out of treats so I could only give him some well deserved pats on his noggen. That was the last we saw of them, which was fine with me, but you could hear them every once in a while from the other side of the park when they would get out of control.  We're lucky to have KaNina because they refuse to take more than 5 dogs on normal playgroups.
> wait a tick...some guy just dedicated The Night that the Lights went out in Georgia to his wife.  Like, whoa.
Anyhow, we ran into CoCo (et al) at the resevoir.  It was cool to see the young lovebirds frollick and play.  I don't know what Jake is doing in this picture...but whatever. 


Jake's terrified of most things the first time he encounters them but he eventually warms to them (vacuum excluded).  Here he is making his case for the purchase of a new house on a lake.

...when I signed up for the YouTube channel, I had to scroll through the list to find my year of birth - I don't remember having to do this in the past.

Is it lunch time yet? 

Monday, June 29, 2009

One Happy Pup

Can a guy get some sunshine!?  This is what I saw when I stepped outside this morning, at 10a (yeah, 10...jeolous?).  And why wouldn't it be raining?  After all, this has been the coldest and wettest June on record!  Global warming, what?  lol

I was pretty stoked for Jacob when the rain started to disappate because playgroup with KaNina is never the same when it rains.  When dingo came home, I learned of a new norm that is tearing at the very fiber of our good society: byciclists that poo in the woods.  Really?  Really.  Really!?  Reeeeally?  Reeeeeally.
Surprising?  Yes.

Understandable?  I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. 
Perhaps I'm out of line, but, if I'm required to carry a poo-bag to pick-up after an animal, couldn't you do the same?  By the way, where do you keep the TP?

Anyhow, dingo had a great time at playgroup (I can tell because he slept for the next 2 hours).  Once he woke up, we hopped in the car and headed over to the estate for some additional excercise.    It rained a bit, but we didn't mind.

Welcome to The Dog Days

Welcome to my vacation Blog!

Allow me to set the stage; I’m on ‘vacation’ this week and have no intention of leaving my quaint Massachusetts asylum.  SO, during the working hours, from now through Thursday, the dingo and I will be left almost entirely to our own devices.  Fortunately, his maternal-owner (and my fiancĂ©e) will arrive home every evening and ensure that both Donkey and I are still, in fact, alive.
One may draw the conclusion that, I’ve ‘got it made.’  I understand your position, I have virtually no responsibilities from the office, there’s plenty of protein-rich sustenance in the refrigerator, and it’s just me and man’s best friend for the near entirety of the day!  Can it get any better? 

I beg of you to temper your exuberance.  For you have never encountered the fury which is Jake’s tongue.  Sure, his kisses are a pleasant reminder of his love, affection, and loyalty.  BUT, the calculated timing of said gesture has caught many a passerby off guard.  To our friends who have fallen victim in the past, I apologize…and consider closing your mouth before you get down to his level next time.

As I attempt to nap on the couch today, fear not for me Argentina…we have plenty of mouthwash/toothpaste and I just charged the toothbrush to full power this morning.