Sunday, July 7, 2019

How to drive your wife crazy and increase the value of your home all at the same time!

At the time, most shoppers were shying away from the house due to the condition of the basement. Truth be told, it was pretty rough: mostly super unfinished, moisture problems, jenky storage shelves and it was sort of a tetanus incubator. It was bad enough that the Sellers dropped the price AND (sorta) finished half the basement before getting a single offer.

By the time we spied it in late '16, we were ready to rise to the remaining challenge. Since then, I accumulated a substantial amount of time spent working my way through the basement remodel project; one space at a time. The workshop/storage space didn't put up much of a fight. The challenge on that front was mostly one of time management. I needed to have the floor painted, shelves assembled and work tables constructed before Wifey and the new baby came home from the hospital.

The office has been a real challenge though. With two kids, every minute I spend working construction is a minute Wifey spends managing two young children...alone. In loving appreciation of my wife, I dedicate my top ways to drive your wife crazy while increasing the value of your home:
  1. Disappear into the basement right after dinner on a weekday without saying a word
  2. Say that you'll be up in 10 minutes but don't emerge from the basement for 45 minutes
  3. Ignore her design input
  4. Admit that you're having fun working in the basement
  5. Run the saw after the littlest one already went to bed
Now, get out there readers! You have everything you need to drive your wife crazy! Don't forget to justify the time spent away from your family by constantly overestimating the value that you've added to your home!