Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Great Pacifier Backfire

Wifey & I didn't want to use a pacifier with Alex. Then he went to daycare and we found ourselves knee deep in those thangz. It made our lives a little easier at the time but Alex is so chill that neither of us think there was a material benefit. Quitting the habit brought the full range of withdrawal goblins though and that's what we're dealing with this week.

Naturally, I took the pacifier notion and mashed it with one of my favorite musicians (Walker Hayes). Here's where I landed.

Since I have very little music-ability, I needed to rip the instrumentals and most of the remaining creativity. Getting the lyrics and instrumentals didn't go quite as planned but you got the point! Here's the original song. I picked it because it's got a nice message behind it that is easily relatable. 

You be the judge though, which version do you like more? ;-) 

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Fall is for Farms

This is a great time of year to be (as mature as?) a toddler. Who doesn't like to carve up a vegetable, cruise down a hillside slide on a potato sack, roll around in corn or over-indulge on cinnamon donuts? We've been doin' one fall festival per week for a while. It's great - each weekend a new farm!

Gaver Farm was our choice for pumpkins and farm animals this year. Alex especially likes the goats.
By the way, have you ever noticed human's predisposition towards enormous pumpkins? I can't explain it but it seems to be part of our nature. I direct your attention to Exhibit A (...as in Alex).

Despite the more reasonably sized pumpkins, Alex wanted the pumpkin that weighed as much as he does. Gotta admit, I love his ambition! Unfortunately for him, when I was growing up, the rule was; if you can carry it, you can get it. So...

The best part of Butler's Orchard Pumpkin Harvest was the squash shooting, jack-o-lantern launching, punkin' chunkin' CANNON. How could I resist? Pay close attention to Alex when I blow the horn.

Side-note: Butler's has the best cinnamon donuts.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Blizzard Wizard

I am so very happy that Jonas decided to plop more than 2' of snow on us. Now-a-days winter-tech is just a distant memory in my book. But it's just too hard not to have some fun when the opportunity presents itself. Plus, in my mind's eye, this is exactly how I'd look if I were cast in a Winter apocalypse movie.

Notice that my trusty sidekick has decided he's gone far enough. While I press forward clutching Jake's leash in my hand, he had decided that a pee-break wasn't worth the effort and retreated back into the warmth of our cave. I bet he'd change his mind if he was wearing SmartWool from head to toe...

I finally coaxed him out as the storm started to wind down. Hardly anything was cleared but those sidewalks that were created a fun maze for us to navigate.

And then there was this little fiasco. This is the bread isle at the grocery store. Kinda crazy, right? Would you be surprised to know that the ingredients used to make bread were virtually untouched?

The storm affected a lot of folks in a negative way. We're hoping that they stay warm and safe. But for me, it was a lot of fun to frolic in a winter wonder land.