Sunday, June 29, 2014

Anniversary Getaway

It was 4 years ago Thursday (past) that wifey and I took the plunge into matrimony. What better reason than an anniversary to get acquainted with the Virginia wine scene!?

We called The Inn at Meander Plantation ‘home’ for the weekend and really enjoyed it. Part of the fun was trying to keep Jake out of trouble. The young lad wanted nothing more than to go investigate ALL of the other animals on the plantation. We were on constant watch while walking around the grounds – if it wasn’t the horses that kept us on our toes, then it was the skunk, fox, rabbit, groundhog, or other dogs.

We stayed in one of the little shed/hut things that weren’t attached to the main house. The horse pasture was directly behind us. You can see the fence in the background of this picture. This is where the horses (Lightfoot and Gizmoe) would say, “hello” to us each morning.

We visited two fine establishments while in Virginia wine country. The first was the Belmont Farm Distillery (my choice). This was really cool in an ol’ moonshiners-sort-of-way. In fact, this place is just a little bit famous for being in the show, appropriately titled, Moonshiners.

This place was cool. Whether deliberate or not, it feels like they’re doing something not entirely legal. They are, however, quick to point out all of the various ways that they’re complying with VA ABC rules and regulations. We brought home a bottle of Kopper Kettle Whiskey, Virginia Lightning Cherry Whiskey, and a mug. Who doesn’t need one more mug??

Of the wines that we tasted while in VA, we liked the Cab Franc from Old House Vineyards the most. We stopped by that vineyard on our way out of town. There will be no pictures of the Old House Vineyards posted today – they’re earned a place on the ‘jerk’ side of the room. …we still bought their wine though.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Jake's New Digs

It's hard to say who's adjusting best to our new home best. Truthfully, we're all feeling a little bit nostalgic and thinking, wow...this is a whole lot of suburb. Jake and I were walking around the neighborhood last week. We came to an intersection, I looked up and remarked that we were at the intersection of Pleasant Drive, Pleasant Circle and Pleasant Way. Jake confirmed. We looked at each other knowing that we should move along before the universe lurched and swallowed us into the permanent void.

There's a small dog park near our Apt but, in defiant fashion, we prefer the people parks! Our 'go-to park' is Needwood. The streams are enough for Jake to wade around and cool down. We had storms recently so the water levels are higher than usual.

We've taken note of many 'Dog Must Remain On Leash' signs. Surely, they aren't serious about that? Don't they know that Jake's in town? This one's taken at Black Hills. It's really weird that I grew up frequenting these places...only to return in my 30's.

Needwood is a squirrel rich environment. Jake approves. When he's not chasing the tennis ball, he's chasing a squirrel. Sometimes he does both simultaneously.

And, of course, the Deleware beaches. A big "Thanks!" to my Aunt and Uncle for letting us stay for a weekend in their DE house.

I hope Jake's enjoying the new home. I bet he's missing his SF pack a bit but we're trying our best to find him a new one!