On the 23rd I wen to the dentist. It was very fun. Right when I got in it was my turn. I was very mad about that. But sense I was first I was finished faster. I was happy about that. Then it was my sisters turn.
Monday, February 29, 1988
Thursday, February 25, 1988
February 25, 1988
Yesterday my brother and I were digging in the backyard. We now have a huge hole. The tools that we used were a hammer, two kinds of picks, and a hoe.
Monday, February 22, 1988
February 22, 1988
On the 18th I went flourhockey. My team go wipped. Blue team won. The score was 15 to 6. The only reason we lost was because the other team had more teanagers. The had three teanagers. We only had two. In the first place we were winning. But then one of our teanagers moved to the other team.
Tuesday, February 16, 1988
February 16, 1988
On the 13th I went skiing. I had to go with the girl scouts. I was very mad about that. But it was fun skiing. I wanted to to stay on the beginer slope. But my mom took me up to the perent slopes. I went skiing at Sky Libraty.
Wednesday, February 10, 1988
February 10, 1988
I like Valentines day because you get candy and Valentine cards. Because people hold parties.
Monday, February 8, 1988
February 8, 1988
Today at the busstop Alex, Ricky and I played romow. Alex and I would ram RIcky. It was like we would beat him up. We played in the ditch at my house. We had alot of fun.
Thursday, February 4, 1988
February 4, 1988
Last night I got heart twice. One on the neck. One on the ear. They both heart alot. How I got heart on my neck was when my brother pushed me over my bed and OCH! I was heart. I hit the night stand. On th esharp corner. How I got my ear heart is when I
Monday, February 1, 1988
February 1, 1988
Last night Washington played Denver. Denver was good in the first quarter but then they got smorthered. The score was 10 to 42. It was a very game.