Friday, January 29, 1988

January 29, 1988

 Last night I was traicing covers of science book. I have 6 of them. I only have one more science cover to traic. I isn't very easy to traic them. They are Charlie Brown's books. They are very good.

Wednesday, January 27, 1988

January 27, 1988

 Today on my bus, it was very loud. Because of one just one persen. His name was Rickey. He was trying to make all of these difrent kinds of funny sounds. All of our bus potrols were yelling and screaming at him and finaly one of the potrols 

Thursday, January 21, 1988

January 21, 1988

 Last night I let my brother sleep in my room. It was very annoying! Because he was snorin. So I went over to my desk and got a pellow and a blanket. The I sat down and poot my feet up on the desk and tried to go to sleep. But I couldn't sleep. So I went over to my brother's room. The I got some sleep.

Tuesday, January 19, 1988

January 19, 1988

 Two weeks ago my brother poked me in the eye. With his remoit conthal car's reseaver's antena. It really hurt alot. He came to electricquiting me in the eye.

Wednesday, January 13, 1988

January 13, 1988

 Last night my sister and I had a fight. It was about the tv. My sister was doing her homework and watching tv when she wasn't sopose to. So I went and told on her. Then my sister was buging with her pencil then I got a com. and I tryed to hit her. But it didn't work. I didi it again and it worked but I achuly hit her pencel.

Monday, January 11, 1988

January 11, 1988

 On the 4th to the 7th I was sick agion. I didn't have strep or tonselites. I don't know what I had. But I didn't like it.